Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage Attacking Donald Trump

Republican Hater Mad CA Rep Maxine Waters appears to have went on a DRUNKEN Tweet Storm last night attacking president Donald J. Trump! She is the most hateful instigator of the democratic party, seconded only by house speaker Nancy Pelosi! 😡

maxine waters drunken Twitter rampage
Old mad Maxine Waters must have been guzzling down cheap ghetto wine as she attacked President Trump 06/23/19

Maxine, you can now delete those drunken tweets since this archive will live on forever. You are a disgrace to our nation. Do us all a favor RESIGN!

maxine waters district 43 slum
Maxine Waters’ 43rd District Has ‘Some of World’s Filthiest Slums!’ An apparent dead body lays in the street.

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Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage

Trump, you better know you cannot declare war w/o Congress giving you the authorization for use of military force. You better not try it.

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Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage

Trump, is your confrontation w/ Iran a diversionary tactic? Do you believe getting the US worrying about a war w/ Iran will overshadow growing calls for an impeachment inquiry? Trump, you are a dangerous, narcissistic, poor excuse for a leader. You deserve to be impeached.

black america in Maxine Waters California
Maxine Waters district 43 is the worst in Los Angeles. She has been an elected official for 28 years & her district IS A CESSPOOL!

Los Angeles California District 43 residents, just remember who put you in poverty come election day 2020! You believed Mad Maxine’s LIES and are suffering!

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Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage

Trump, so you are placing more sanctions on Iran. You are trying to further provoke Iran so you can strike. You’re alienating the other countries who were a part of the JCPOA. How can you expect our allies to join w/ us in a war with Iran?

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Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage

Trump, we know you are angling for war with Iran. Stop it now. Iran was in compliance with the JCPOA. You and Netanyahu had better not try to take us to war. We don’t need it & Israel doesn’t need it.

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Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage

Trump, you started this confrontation w/ Iran. Why did you unilaterally renege on the JCPOA agreement of the US and six other countries to avoid Iran’s nuclear buildup?

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Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage

Trump, you get no credit for so-called stopping the strike against Iran. Why was the unmanned drone in Iran’s airspace? Why the surveillance? Don’t provoke and then pretend innocence.

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Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage

#nomorewars This president is up to his old tricks allowing Bolton and Pompeo to be the war hawks while he pretends to be reasonable so when he strikes Iran he can say “I tried not to strike.” Real trying is diplomacy. Back off 45!

Maxine Waters Supports Vladimir Putin
Maxine Waters Supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin. She MUST RESIGN Immediately!

There ain’t gonna be no Democratic FREE Money. No FREE Medicare For All. And NO CRAZY AOC’s Green New Deal. It will never happen. Vote for a proven winner who has kept his promise and Made America Great Again, President Donald J. Trump 2020!

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I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress while hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech. I am healthy and still going strong at 72, and are a non smoker/drinker/substance user, living a healthy lifestyle. looking for a good hearted lady friend/lover near my age who wants to enjoy her golden years with good looking southern boy. Is that you? Say hello 52FLC.ORG❤️

0 Thoughts to “Maxine Waters Drunken Twitter Rampage Attacking Donald Trump”

  1. GrammaJean

    Above Video is NOT available. Facebook doing what they do best by censoring your free speech. (Not sure why. Keep my FB account.)

    1. FidoSysop

      It’s linked from President Trump’s YouTube act. Just as bad as Censorship goes! ?

    2. FidoSysop

      It’s linked from President Trump’s YouTube act. Just as bad as Censorship goes! ?

  2. JANET


    1. FidoSysop

      Petitions don’t work. We tried that with Rashida Talieb that reached over the required signatures and nothing was done or got a response.

      Only one shot is voting straight Republican in 2020. Term limits are another action we can take!

    2. FidoSysop

      Petitions don’t work. We tried that with Rashida Talieb that reached over the required signatures and nothing was done or got a response.

      Only one shot is voting straight Republican in 2020. Term limits are another action we can take!

  3. Ricky Farr

    this demonic filth called maxinne an Pelosi are pure evil, brain dead obstructionists they need to be removed in cuffs

    1. FidoSysop

      Waters is a disgrace to District 43 – and to her race. Kickbacks from special interests as her residents are homeless living on the streets. She has no room to criticize president Donald J. Trump!


      1. All Democrats are disgrace, we need to rededicate our citizens to the truth about socialism and the end fact of implementing such atrosities on us as Americans.

        1. FidoSysop

          Thanks Stephanie for your comment. America Needs to wake up to the lies Democrats are preaching.

          On another subject James O’Keefe just exposed google’s plans to prevent #Trump2020 winning. Video on YouTube

        2. This is not going to be good if we loose our country to this

        3. FidoSysop

          Thanks Stephanie for your comment. America Needs to wake up to the lies Democrats are preaching.

          On another subject James O’Keefe just exposed google’s plans to prevent #Trump2020 winning. Video on YouTube

    2. FidoSysop

      Waters is a disgrace to District 43 – and to her race. Kickbacks from special interests as her residents are homeless living on the streets. She has no room to criticize president Donald J. Trump!

      <img src=”” width=”100%” alt=maxine waters kickback money”/>

Love America? 🇺🇸 Defend Her! 📣