Dick Cheney Ad Desperately Airs For RINO Daughter Liz Cheney

Dick Cheney Ad

Dick Cheney ad desperate to help his failed daughter Liz Cheney’s reelection campaign just ended her political future. It’s pretty obvious where the hate in the Cheney family comes from. The old failed ex-vice president let it be known how much he and his daughter Elisabeth hate Donald Trump. Daughter…

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Alex Stovall AZ GOP Candidate Two-Faced RINO Trashing Republican’s

alex stowell

Alex Stovall AZ GOP Candidate is revealed in this undercover video trashing his own Republican party. This my friend’s is the making of a classic political RINO (Republican In Name Only), someone who will side with the rest of the DemocRats. 🐀 Once again James O’Keefe and his professional staff…

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RINO Mitt Romney: The “Big Mouth” That Cost Him Two Elections

mitt romney secret recording

A secret recording of US Republican presidential candidate RINO Mitt Romney condemning millions of Americans who cannot provide for themselves, cost him the election. So here in 2019 we have “Sore Loser Mittens” taking his hostilities out on President Donald Trump! 😡 The secret recording, made in May 2012 at…

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